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Established Gallery is excited to announce the second solo exhibition of Natale Adgnot at our space. GOBOLINKS will open Friday December 3rd

Established Gallery is pleased to present GOBOLINKS, a solo exhibition by Natale Adgnot. GOBOLINKS are a new series of wall sculptures that continue her exploration of cognitive bias and pareidolia (seeing familiar objects in random information). These dimensional klecksographs are named after the Victorian parlor game that used inkblots as jumping-off points for writing poetry years before Hermann Rorschach applied them to psychology. GOBOLINKS will be exhibited in a solo exhibition at Established Gallery in Brooklyn from December 3 2021 through January 4 2022


Capitalizing on humans’ natural attraction to anything with bilateral symmetry, Adgnot creates abstract compositions that the viewer might interpret to be insect specimens, space invaders, or masquerade ball masks. Acrylic paint is applied and then folded in two to create symmetry. The added element of texture is achieved through a process of painting and shrinking large sheets of thermoplastic before mounting them on birch panels. 


“Through abstract drawing and sculpture, I explore the connection between logic and error. Lured by the beauty of pattern and the promise of explanation, we fall prey to cognitive biases and other fallacies. My work tests the premise of pareidolia (seeing patterns in random information). GOBOLINKS is a further extension of my fascination with cognitive bias, and understanding the tricks that our eyes play on us,” says Adgnot.


The exhibition will also include symmetrical monoprints and screenprints.


About the artist


Natale Adgnot is an American-French artist whose graphic compositions blur the line between drawing and sculpture. Alternating between grayscale and colorful palettes, she converts abstract line drawings into wall sculptures made of thermoplastic on panel.

Adgnot earned a BFA in graphic design in Texas and studied fashion in Paris. Her experience making garments by hand for haute couture runways eventually led her to focus on sculpture. While living in Tokyo, she began using thermoplastic to work three-dimensionally.

Adgnot has been featured in solo exhibitions at Midori-so Gallery in Tokyo and at Established Gallery in New York. Recent group shows include “Black & White” at BWAC (juried by Jenée-Daria Strand, Curatorial Assistant for the Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art at the Brooklyn Museum) where she won an award, as well as TART, curated by Lisa Wirth and Marly Hammer (co-founders of Work in Progress Ventures). Her work has appeared in articles on Hyperallergic, The Japan Times, and Art Hag. She lives and works in New Paltz and Brooklyn, NY

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