on view thru 1/12

Established Gallery largest exhibition ever! 12/12, a group exhibition curated by Emily Chiavelli from a national open call for art. 12/12 features artwork with maximum dimensions of 12 inches.
Artwork by:
Adam Suerte - Alexis Gallo - Alice Garik - Alise Loebelsohn - Allyson Smith - Amy Williams - Andrea Caldarise - Andrew Jay Rumpler - Andrew Smenos - Anne Fink - Ariane Ahlmann - Axelle Destaing - Beverly Crilly - Bill Roundy - Bonnie Ralston - Caitlin Miller - Carin Kulb Dangot - Caroline McAuliffe - Carter Shocket - Casielle Santos-Gaerlan - Chris Reynolds - Chris Weller - David Andersson - David Kim - David Kutz - Diana Gruberg - Domenica Bucalo - Elizabeth Meggs - Ella Hepner - Emily Gleason - Emily Wiethorn - Eric Wolf - Erica Newton - Erin Juliana - Francesca Magnani - Harley Ngai Grieco - Hayley Ferber - Janet Pedersen - Janice Everett - Jaynie Crimmins - Jeff Bartell - Jen PROPS Larkin - Jeremy Martin - Jessica D'Amico - Jiaomin Ni - Jill Inbar - Jo-Ann Acey - Jocelyn Benford - Joe Banish - John Richey - John-David / Cora Richardson / Seitz - Jordan Segal - Jos Prol - Joyce Riley - Karen Gibbons - Karen Mainenti - Kathryn Godoy - Keith DuQuette - Kristin Ducharme - Kristina Sumfleth - Latika Sridhar - Laura Murray - Lauren Alyssa Bierly - Leah Souffrant - Loraine Wible - Lou Mazzella - Maggie Hinton - Malgorzata Moore - Mari Renwick - Maria Paula Rennis - Michael Sorgatz - Michael Watson - Mindy Indy – Miska Draskoczy - Mitchell Craig - Monica Rich – Mycha - Nancy Krinsky - Natale Adgnot - Nicholas Cueva - Nicole Vergalla - Orianne Cosentino - Patricia Fabricant - Rachael Wren - Rose Silberman Gorn - Sabrina Puppin - Sandye Renz - Sarah Angèle Wilson - Sarah Petrick - Seth Brody - Shira Toren - Steve Ettlinger - Susan Newmark - Syma* - Tiziana Mazziotto - Tony Geiger - Tracy Penn- Travis Childers - Vera Saldivar de Lira - Walter Andersons & Ward Yoshimoto

Emily Chiavelli (she/her) is a Brooklyn-based artist and photographer. She works as the Program Director at Arts Gowanus, a community art and advocacy organization. Her work has been exhibited at The Museum of the Moving Image, The International Center of Photography, Foley Gallery, and Carriage Trade Gallery, as well as nationally. She received an MFA from ICP-Bard College in 2020.
As Program Director for Arts Gowanus, Emily has curated and organized countless public art exhibitions, group exhibitions and private art events.